Videos Bluesbreeker Blues by MrWolfs17

A video playlist of our gig at the Royal Bluesbreeker Blues night at music theater Royal Irene, November 12th 2016. 

Thank you MrWolfs17 for filming and putting these online!

Video Jeker Jazz

Video of our song "Miss Babelone" shot during the Jeker Jazz Maastricht festival in La BonBonniere, October 9th 2016. 

Thank you Jeannine Julliëtte Nieneke Olivier‎ for filming!

Videos Zoetermeer Jazz

Check out these two videos from the Zoetermeer Jazz festival, September 24th.

Thank you Karin, Peter & Ed for filming!

Filmed by Karin & Peter Aerts

 Filmed by Ed van Wageningen

Compilation album 10 years Radio Modern

Hey! Radio Modern is celebrating their 10 years anniversary by releasing a double cd full of dancefloor fillers from the 30's till now. And guess what? The Electrophonics also have a track on that!

The compilation is on sale on every 10 years Radio Modern parties planned in October, November & December.

Check out this promo video:

Video Breda Jazz 2016

It was fun at Breda Jazz Festival, see this video for a quick impression of that hot sunny afternoon!